Rounding out my triple play, I want to bring to your attention one man's hypocrisy. There is a blog out there who's author claims to be something of a marketing expert. I don't know his credentials, if he even has any. But I do know this - he is a fraud! He doesn't even follow his own advice. Just today he posted about the importance of timing in advertising and marketing efforts, yet look at his blog:
Excuse me? You are the one who still has a Santa image in your header. On January 20th!
Furthermore, he lies on facebook. Even worse, he lies on facebook about his blog.
Guess what, there was no post on Monday. Or Tuesday for that matter.
The fact is, he must be stopped. Sure, he is funny, and handsome... and looks good with his not-overly-thick-beard, but he must be held accountable for his actions. So what should we do? Stop reading his blog? No, no... that is too simple. What we must do is tell everyone we know about his blog! I know what you are thinking, "how will that help?" You are just going to have to trust me on this one, it will.
Now you're asking, "but how do I spread the word?" Anything is fine. Email, Facebook, Twitter.
I will even tell you what to say:
Friends and enemies alike - I have recently come across a pretty okay blog written by a smart, funny, hilariously, intelligent guy who I want to teach a lesson to. Help me out by visiting his blog daily. Just go to
Thanks, ______________
Together we can all make a difference!